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Financial Aid:
Master Promissory Note - Loan Agreement (MPN)

The Master Promissory Note (MPN) serves as your formal commitment to repay your loan(s) along with any interest and fees to the U.S. Department of Education, detailing the terms and conditions of your loan(s).

Provided your school permits, a single MPN can support multiple Direct Loans over a span of up to 10 years. Your eligibility for specific loans will be communicated by your school.

Students Completing a Master Promissory Note

Students who need to complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) will need:
  1. Approximately 30 minutes to complete.
    • The MPN must be completed in a single session.
  2. Your FSA ID:
    • If you are a new user or have forgotten your FSA ID, go to
    • Students must log in using their own FSA ID to complete Master Promissory Notes (MPNs). Use of another person’s FSA ID constitutes fraud. Use only your own FSA ID information.
  3. Personal Information:
    • Permanent Address
    • Mailing Address (if different from permanent address)
    • U.S. Address (if permanent and mailing addresses are foreign)
    • Telephone Number
    • E-mail Address
    • Alien Registration Number (if you are an eligible non-citizen)
  4. Employer’s Information:
    • Employer’s Name
    • Employer’s Address
    • Employer’s Telephone Number
  5. Reference Information:
    References for two people with different U.S. addresses who have known you for at least 3 years. You may not list the student for whom you are borrowing this loan.
    • Name of each reference
    • Address of each reference
    • E-mail address for each reference
    • Telephone number for each reference
    • Relationship of each reference to the borrower
  6. Setting Up the Exercise:
    1. Go to to officially complete the Master Promissory Note and log in with your FSA ID. If this is your first time logging into this site select your correspondence options for USDOE to communicate with you, then you will be on the homepage.
    2. Navigate and click the complete a loan agreement (Master Promissory Note) menu option on the left side of the webpage.
    3. Locate where it says MPN for Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans and click the start button located to the right.
    4. Input your information and enter the school in which you want to notify
    5. Selecting your schools to notify (On bottom first page)
      1. Choose your state from the dropdown list.
      2. Then in the search school by name type in your school name.
      3. Select school from list
    6. Continue and navigate through the following screens completing the required information and reading to submit your master Promissory Note.

If you have previously completed either a Direct Loan MPN or a Direct PLUS Loan Request, some of this information may be populated for you. You should review all populated information carefully for accuracy.

Parents Completing a Master Promissory Note

Parents who need to complete a Master Promissory Note (MPN) will need:
  1. Approximately 30 minutes to complete.
    • The MPN must be completed in a single session.
  2. Your FSA ID:
    • If you are a new user or have forgotten your FSA ID, go to
    • Students must log in using their own FSA ID to complete Master Promissory Notes (MPNs). Use of another person’s FSA ID constitutes fraud. Use only your own FSA ID information.
  3. Personal Information:
    • Permanent Address
    • Mailing Address (if different from permanent address)
    • U.S. Address (if permanent and mailing addresses are foreign)
    • Telephone Number
    • E-mail Address
    • Alien Registration Number (if you are an eligible non-citizen)
  4. Employer’s Information:
    • Employer’s Name
    • Employer’s Address
    • Employer’s Telephone Number
  5. Reference Information:
    References for two people with different U.S. addresses who have known you for at least 3 years. You may not list the student for whom you are borrowing this loan.
    • Name of each reference
    • Address of each reference
    • E-mail address for each reference
    • Telephone number for each reference
    • Relationship of each reference to the borrower
  6. Student Information:
    • Student’s name
    • Student’s social security number
    • Student’s date of birth
    • Student’s address
    • Student telephone number
  7. Setting Up the Exercise:
    1. Go to to officially complete the Master Promissory Note and log in with your FSA ID. If this is your first time logging into this site select your correspondence options for USDOE to communicate with you, then you will be on the homepage.
    2. Navigate and click the complete a loan agreement (Master Promissory Note) menu option on the left side of the webpage.
    3. Locate where it says PLUS MPN for Parents and click the start button located to the right.
    4. Input yours and your students information and enter the school in which you want to notify.
    5. Select your schools to notify (on bottom first page).
      1. Choose your state from the dropdown list.
      2. Then in the search school by name, type in your school name.
      3. Select school from list
    6. Continue and navigate through the following screens completing the required information and reading to submit your master Promissory Note.

If you have previously completed either a Direct Loan MPN or a Direct PLUS Loan Request, some of this information may be populated for you.


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